Monday, 25 April 2011

Hospital opens new bronchoscopy suite

ORANGE PARK – Orange Park Medical Center (OPMC) has opened a $1 million, bronchoscopy suite. Equipped with the latest technology, it is the only dedicated bronchoscopy suite in Northeast Fla. Hospitals typically perform bronchoscopic procedures in rooms designed for other purposes as well.
"The suite was designed for one goal," says Kelly Lindsay, OPMC director of cardiopulmonary services, "great patient outcomes in the detection and treatment of lung cancer and chronic lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema."
OPMC’s multidisciplinary team from pulmonology, pathology, radiology, anesthesiology, respiratory therapy, and nursing has developed expertise in performing diagnostic and therapeutic lung procedures. The new suite provides a single location for the state-of-the-art equipment they use. This equipment includes endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS), the SuperDimension inReach System and a new pleuroscopy scope.
Interventional pulmonologists Stuart Millstone, M.D., and Luis Laos, M.D., were the first to perform procedures in the new suite. These were Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) cases. EBUS is a minimally invasive diagnostic tool that provides a more precise determination of a patient’s lung cancer stage. The procedure is performed by passing a small bronchoscope, with a special ultrasound at its tip, through the patient’s mouth and down into the windpipe. Many patients evaluated with EBUS are able to forego more invasive surgical procedures.
Drs. Millstone and Laos were the first in the area to pioneer the use of the SuperDimension inReach System, which is another minimally invasive technology used to reach far into the lungs to examine and biopsy suspicious spots, or lesions, on the lungs.
Patients benefit from the procedure because they may avoid having to undergo a surgical biopsy. And since the new bronchoscopy suite contains a fully-equipped pathology station, pathologists can examine tissue samples taken during the procedure and determine if the patient has lung cancer or not before the procedure is completed.
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