Monday, 25 April 2011

New computer technology at Show Low Public Library

SHOW LOW - The Public Library has been awarded $26,000, as part of a larger $1,600,000 award to the Arizona State Library, which is managing the statewide Arizona Public Access Computers (AzPAC) Project.
This project was developed to meet Arizona's growing public library technology needs.
AzPAC was funded by the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, part of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and U.S. Department of Commerce. The primary goals of the project are to provide additional access to public computers, reduce wait times for computers, and support access to 21st century skills training and electronic resources.
AzPAC funds are allowing over 1,000 new computers to be installed in 84 public libraries throughout Arizona, which are expected to serve more than 1.8 million patrons over a three year period.
Locally, the $26,000 awarded to the Show Low Public Library has allowed the purchase of 17 state-of-the-art computers and software, including Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2010 Professional (Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint and other Office software products), and Corel PaintShop Pro, for photo editing.
Patrons now have the opportunity to benefit by using this new computer technology and learning more about, it through free classes at the Show Low Public Library.
Public libraries are often the only entity providing no-fee access to the internet, whether for student research and homework; filing for healthcare and other benefits; refinancing a mortgage; looking for information on friends or family; access to emergency resources; support training to enhance business and open avenues to job creation; resume, job searching and job application tools; business and banking; key components to sustaining communities and stimulating long-term economic growth. Additionally, public libraries support the floating population of seasonal and traveling visitors who also need library services.

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